International Workshop on Climate Change Data Challenges (C2DC 2011)
held in conjunction with the
International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) 2011: "The Ascent of Computational Excellence in the Land of the Rising Sun",
Computational Science University of Tsukuba, Japan, June 1 - June 3, 2011 (
Workshop website:
Call for Papers
Climate change scientists are expected to generate hundreds of exabytes of data distributed across heterogeneous storage resources for access, integration, analysis, pre and post-processing, visualization and mining. Significant improvements in the data management field therefore will be critical to increase research productivity in solving complex scientific problems. In this context, several challenges and issues need to be further investigated and addressed. The C2DC workshop includes challenging topics like data preservation, data curation, long term access, metadata schemas, mark-up languages, multi-dimensional data modeling, data discovery, metadata management, harvesting, semantic interoperability, ontologies, data access, integration, provenance, storage, analysis, mining, exa-bytes systems, etc.
The workshop will provide a contribution to the Computational Science field:
- bringing together researchers and practitioners to (i) identify and explore open issues and challenges as well as to (ii) discuss and propose novel data management solutions in the climate change field.
- providing a forum for free exchange of ideas and will be featured by invited talks and refereed paper presentations.
- addressing challenging data management issues and topics, including Exa-bytes systems.
- reporting about novel, interesting and emerging scientific data-oriented initiatives in the climate change domain.
Authors are invited to submit regular papers.
Topics of Interest
- data preservation, data curation, long term access
- metadata schemas, mark-up languages
- multi-dimensional data modeling
- data discovery, metadata management, harvesting
- semantic interoperability, ontologies
- data access, integration, provenance, storage, analysis, mining
- exa-bytes systems, challenges and issues
- high performance data management
- digital libraries
- high performance data mining
- data security and privacy
- scientific data gateways
- distributed metadata management
- dataflow management
- high performance storage management
- replication, indexing, caching and load balancing in distributed environments,
- data grid/clouds & data virtualization for climate change,
- real cases, testbeds and international projects facing climate change data challenges
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: January 8, 2011
Author notification: February 20, 2011
Camera ready papers: March 7, 2011
Early registration opens: February 15, 2011
Early registration closes: March 31, 2011
Conference sessions: Wednesday June 1 - Friday June 3, 2011
For more information please visit:
- the conference website:
- the workshop website:
Workshop Organizers
- Giovanni Aloisio - Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC) & University of Salento - Italy
- Sandro Fiore - Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC) & University of Salento - Italy
- Peter Fox - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) - USA
- Andrew Woolf - STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
Submission procedure
Papers reporting original and unpublished research results and experience are solicited. Papers will be selected based on their originality, timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Papers accepted for this Workshop will be published in the ICCS 2011 Proceedings. After the Conference some papers presented at the ICCS 2011 Workshops will be considered for publication in appropriate journals as Special Issues with the Workshop organizer as the Guest Editor of the journal. Papers for workshops should be submitted directly to the Workshop using the ICCS 2011 paper submission system. Submissions imply the willingness of at least one author to register, attend the conference, and present the paper. Workshop participants must pay the ICCS 2011 conference registration fee. Each paper will be refereed by at least two/three independent reviewers. Paper submission indicates the intention of the author to present the paper at the C2DC workshop at ICCS 2011. The submitted paper must be camera-ready and formatted according to the rules of Procedia Computer Science. Please use this file for a Latex template plus instructions and click here for an MS word template file). Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper. PostScript and source versions of your paper must be submitted electronically through the paper submission system. Please, note that papers must not exceed ten pages in length, when typeset using the Procedia format. Dates of deadlines for draft paper submission (full paper), notification of acceptance, deadline for camera-ready paper submission and registration may be found in the Important Dates section of this Web site. Papers must be based on unpublished, mature and original work and must be submitted to ICCS only.